ESCO(欧州における技能、コンピテンス、資格・学位、職業の分類ポータル)の 完全版が公開

2013年10月にその一部が公開されていたESCO(European Skills, Competences Qualifications and Occupations)(本サイト2013/12/12投稿記事)完全版が2017年7月に公開された。





例:研究科長(dean of faculty)の検索結果


Description:説明 Deans of faculty lead and manage a collection of related academic departments and work with the post-secondary school principal and the different heads of department to deliver the agreed faculty and university strategic objectives. They promote the faculty in associated communities and market the faculty nationally as well as internationally. Deans of faculty also focus on achieving the faculty’s financial management target.
Alternative label:代替名称 dean of faculty
director of faculty
faculty dean
university head of faculty
faculty director
university head of school
head of faculty
Hierarchy:分類(職業階層) Managers > Production and specialised services managers > Professional services managers > Education managers > headteacher > Dean of faculty
Essential skills and competences
maintain contract administration
assist in the organisation of school events
provide information on study programmes
use office systems
provide education management support
manage educational institution’s administration
present reports
cooperate with education professionals
represent the organisation
supervise staff
show an exemplary leading role in an organisation
manage budgets
Essential Knowledge
budgetary principles
university procedures
project management
financial management
organisational policies
education administration
curriculum standards
curriculum objectives
Optional skills and competences
make improvements to work activities
monitor educational developments
create a financial report
promote education course
assess employees’ capability levels
evaluate education programmes
advise on teaching methods
guarantee students’ safety
work with virtual learning environments
identify education needs
provide feedback to teachers
develop professional network
write work-related reports
Optional Knowledge
funding methods
assessment processes

なお、上記の図の「分類(職業階層)」に示されている各分類はリンクされており、その分類に関する詳細説明や国際労働機関(ILO)が開発した国際標準職業分類( ISCO)を閲覧することができる。また、各技能・コンピテンス・知識についても同様にリンクされており、上記検索結果から各技能等の詳細説明のページを調べることができる。

※EURES…欧州における雇用サービスネットワーク。欧州圏内で求人と求職者との国境を越えたマッチングを支援。 EURES mobility portalを運営している。


カテゴリー: 欧州 タグ: , パーマリンク
